On 02/10/2012 05:44 AM, 1920...@googlemail.com wrote:
>> The freedesktop.org Icon Theme Specification defines a 'document-save'
>> icon as: "document-save The icon for the save action. Should be an arrow
>> pointing down and toward a hard disk."
>> <http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html>
>> The new LO "Tango" theme does not follow this specification, and instead
>> uses a non-Tango icon: a down arrow pointing to an open file cabinet drawer
> Tango doesn't have a 'save as template' icon anyway, so we couldn't
> use it unmodified anyway.

In that case you create _additional_ icons (following the spec of
course), just as others have:

(Although I seem to remember reading that
> the template icon has been left as a floppy? I did point out this
> problem before...)

The template save icon in 3.5 (sc/lc_saveasatemplate) is a combination
of the standard Tango template icon (text-x-generic-template.png/svg[1])
interposed over a floppy & hasn't changed from LO 3.3 and 3.4. That icon
has other issues besides using the floppy - the text for the icon is
simply 'Save', so it's easy to confuse with the document save icon 'Save


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