
Le mardi 14 août 2012 à 08:23 -0400, Fabian Rodriguez a écrit :
> On 08/14/2012 05:09 AM, Anthony Easthope wrote:
> > Hi Guys
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a proposition for you all and am not sure if you would class it
> > as a feature request or a partnership suggestion.
> >
> > My idea is as follows: The Document Foundation partners up with Roy
> > Rosenzwieg Center for History and New Media and work together on making
> > The Zotero project an integral part of the LibreOffice frame work.
> For that to happen an important part of Zotero (the server,
> specificalloy the part that provides social features) would have to be
> removed from its functionality or made free, open source software.
> Otherwise this would be a closed-source deal, business-only deal,
> against LibreOffice core values, IMHO.
> I mentioned Zotero before without much enthusiasm here, that's another
> important element for this to succeed: core LIbreOffice users/devs using
> Zotero aren't many (or any, that I know of).
> > I have the feeling that I might be treading on thin ground here but I
> > will outline my reasons as to why this could work below
> >
> >
> >   * Libreoffice is perfect for use within university's / schools as it
> >  can be easily distributed thanks to the GNU license the same goes
> >  for Zotero
> You are referring to the client component. The server is not free, open
> source. You can setup a server to store Zotero files, but it's not a
> trivial process and it lacks any and all ZOtero social features/web
> front-end. It's even advised against (for corruption risks) by Zotero.
> >   * The use of Zotero could replace the inbuilt Bibliography &
> >  referencing tool as the current one is quite bewildering to use for
> >  many people
> Agreed! I believe I've suggested to remove it completely from LibO in
> the past, such is its current state.
> >   * Zotero has a nice GUI and can work in with Firefox via an extension
> >  which is also open source so at the same time we are not just
> >  supporting one open-source initiative but three!
> Firefox distribution is also bound to commercial restrictions,
> specifically regarding its trademark and binaries origin. I wouldn't use
> this argument, unfortunately it comes with strings attached.
> >   * Zotero is open to suggestions and it appears to other projects as
> >  well
> Looking at how setting up a third-party server is handled/ not
> encouraged, I feel the opposite. I'd love to be wrong, I haven't
> asked/pursued this so it would be a good idea to see this happen.
> >   * Increased awareness of The Document Foundation program via Zotero
> >  related media attention (Vice Versa for LO and Zotero)
> >   * it would bring a fresh feel to the whole project and could even
> >  mean a new approach and reinvigorate the project
> The above may be best discussed/addressed quickly on the marketing
> mailing list (this will surely catch Marc Paré's attention, an
> extraordinary contributor there).
> > Let me Know what you think and feel free to shoot me down if you so
> > wish!
> >
> >
> I am personally interested in this, so I can be of any help,
> specifically validating the free/non-free components and impact of
> keeping a close eye on such details, I'll gladly make myself available.
> Right now I am welcoming the 4th child in my family, a healthy boy born
> 2 days ago so I may not be as resposive but personal email always gets
> my attention :)

Well, there is a Zotero extension somewhere (used to work with the
OpenOffice.org 3.x branch). Aside that, I'm not sure what is required:
joint promotion efforts?


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