Hello Fabian,

Le jeudi 16 août 2012 à 07:43 -0400, Fabian Rodriguez a écrit :
> On 08/16/2012 06:29 AM, Anthony Easthope wrote:
> > Its not essential to have the zotero server as part of it although that
> > is a nice feature. [...]
> IMO such features are essential, and an important part of why you'd use
> Zotero. I wish their server component evolves into a federated,
> open-data, FLOSS solution, though. That's something where the TDF can
> have influence on the Zotero project. Of course this isn't to say this
> should block such discussion, but keeping in line with LibreOffice
> context (FLOSS), such goals are possible to influence and reach.
> Such features/server dependency are the default, so it's always on for
> users doing research - they are always part of a group, and share
> references among them. In that sense it's essential. Users won't notice
> how this ties them to Zotero's infrastructure until their reference
> database grows, which confronts them to buying storage. The current
> Zotero implementation is pre-configured to use their server which
> includes document storage and social features implemented in a web
> front-end. The document-storage part can be configured to use other
> servers, not so for the other features.
> Let's not minimize this. Here are a few reasons why the server+social
> component side should be free, open source:
> - Anyone could setup their own (important in large deployments/ gov't /
> schools / etc where bandwidth usage and owning your data matters)
> - Zotero's own servers wouldn't need to scale up to such deployments or
> even work fully w/o Internet access
> - Zotero's pricing for storage may not fit every deployment's audience
> - Implementing local storage/sync on a server is not trivial for
> end-users. Not using sync at all is not a clear alternative.
> - Zotero's clients may at some time stop offering third-party storage
> options altogether
> - Zotero's servers are a single point of failure which won't help
> adoption when they fail
> - Zotero could add "local installation / support" to their offering, or
> even certify "service providers". Competition among such providers would
> indirectly help LibO adoption.
> If anyone is going to Zotero with a proposal for collaboration with
> TDF/LibO, I wish they ask/mention the above.
> If I can be of any assistance in such discussions, I'll gladly make time.

See my reply to Anthony, but basically, what needs to happen is an
additional server development on the Zotero side as well as a upgrade to
the LibreOffice extension (am I forgetting something?) So you need
someone developing it. As for any sort of partnership/formal stuff, that
would need to be evaluated by marketing and by the BoD. 

My -candid- feeling about this is that there's potential, now it's up to
volunteers to pick up the development workload and perhaps ping Zotero
about this. If there's no interest, then we should not spend our nights
on this.


> Cheers,
> Fabian Rodriguez
> http://libreoffice.magicfab.ca
> -- 

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