
Steve, Can you test Virex for us if possible. (Our school requirement!!)

Interesting we can get MSN Messenger working... takes ages to start.

36 daemons... thats great, thats what unix is all about...

Skype won't work unless you release 2 other ports... cant remember them
at the moment but the standard firewall with MS Proxy Server setup seems to
block them.
Found the ports with little Snitch accidentially. Had to use a fixed
and open IP address to get Skype to work.

Real also works but you may have to check your ports/udp as well.
Not sure if authoxy is involved there.

Heath, is it possible to test 3.1.1a on our system as well. 3.1.1 works here.


>I was so curious to find out if 3.1.1a works that I drove in to work (all of
>5 minutes from where I live) to try it.
>It works! You're my hero, Heath. :)
>Software Update--check.
>Mozilla with Authoxy settings--check.
>iTunes music store--check.
>Itunes radio--check.
>Quicktime update--check.
>Entourage check for updates--check.
>Iphoto .mac slides--check (except I don't have a .mac account).
>Windows Media Player--check.
>Maxibidder...partly, probably it's their program, not Authoxy.
>RealOne player--nope.
>MSN Messenger--nope.
>Skype (VOIP)--nope.
>But that is WAY better than I have EVER had with my Mac connected to our MS
>Network. WAY WAY better, I am most pleased. Some of those that don't seem to
>be working might be that my settings are not quite right yet. Or they may be
>trying to access ports that are blocked to us--I just thought I'd try
>everything I could think of to see if the net access works via Authoxy.
>I notice the number of daemons gets fairly large (right now it's 36, with
>nothing going on net-wise). Should they go back to zero? (5 minutes after I
>wrote that, it's still 36.)
>On 9/17/04 10:44 PM, "Heath Raftery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Steven,
>> I completed those changes this morning, and my fairly superficial tests
>> (again, I'm lacking a real Windows NTLM proxy for proper testing!) have
>> passed. I am now interested to see how the changes go for you next
>> week!
>> I'm hesistant to have multiple versions floating around, so I'll attach
>> the modified version of Authoxy in a private email to you Steven. I've
>> just marked the interface "Version 3.1.1a" with the 'a' indicating the
>> modification. For those so inclined, I decided to commit the changes to
>> the sourceforge repository, so you can have a look and even compile
>> your own copy.
>> The modifications are to AuthoxyDaemon.h and NTLM.c bringing both of
>> them up to revision 1.2.
>> What better way to get over a Saturday morning hang over ;)
>> Heath
>> On 17/09/2004, at 9:24 PM, Steven Stratford wrote:
>>> Heath--
>>> That sounds like a great plan. I must say I've learned way more about
>>> NTLM
>>> and TCP dumps than I ever wanted, although it's been interesting. Sure
>>> would
>>> be helpful if MS clearly documented their protocols instead of making
>>> people
>>> reverse-engineer and make educated guesses... Anyway, I look forward to
>>> giving it a shot next week sometime (Monday at the earliest when I'm
>>> in the
>>> office). Thanks for all your help!
>>> [I've written some software myself and I know how sometimes even the
>>> smallest little thing has to be bought with a huge price of time and
>>> effort,
>>> sometimes on the part of several people, so I really appreciate what
>>> you,
>>> Bruce, and others are doing here to help track this down.]
>>> --Steve

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