Authoxy appears to have a problem with authenticated URLs (which
contain a login ID and password in front of the domain).

I'm using an app (Mailplane) that downloads updates using the URL:
http://name:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/downloads/cutting_edge_appcast.rss.
 (The actual name and password are different, of course.)  When I'm
using Authoxy (at work), it reports an error, but it works when I'm at
home (and not using Authoxy).

If I paste the URL into Safari (when using Authoxy), I get 'Safari
can't open the page
"http://name:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/downloads/cutting_edge_appcast.rss"
because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection, which
sometimes occurs when the server is busy. You might be able to open
the page later.'  Firefox (which I have configured to go directly
through the proxy server at work without using Authoxy) will open the
URL just fine.

I'm using Authoxy 3.4 (Beta), but I had the problem previously with 3.2.5.


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