On Sunday 10 April 2005 08:32 am, shu minari wrote:
(B> > >my dream in native-lang project:
(B> > >1.Open global langage extension,Clip art and templates site.
(B> > >ex)
(B> > >mozilla extension and theme site.
(B> >
(B> > Minari-San, can you please elaborate on this point? We already have
(B> > http://marketing.openoffice.org/art and oootemplates,
(B> > What would you like to do in terms of clipart, art, etc?
(BTranslation begins ---
(BThat page is good, but is not very useful for the users.
(BThe users want more automation.
(BIf you use Mozilla Firefox, try selecting Tools -> Extensions and "Get more 
(Bextensions".  You'll be routed to the following page
(Band if you click the extension it will be installed automatically.
(BThis site has a good circle of relationshiop between the users, community, and 
(Bthe creators (artists/developers).
(BWhat the users want is ease of use, and the creators want more users to use 
(B[their creations].
(BThe [OO.o art] page is good, but lacks a circle of relationship between the 
(Busers, OO.o [community], and the creators.
(BOnce such circle of relationship is established, it will add more value to the 
(Bpage, it will attract more creators, and it will benefit the users.
(BTo realize this goal, I think we need more internationalization and 
(Bcentralization of "power" [resources].  The "power" of that page would be 
(Bhalved if we could not achieve a sufficient level of 
(B"internationalization" [international collaboration].
(BTranslation ends ---
(BTranslation by Kohei
(B> ja)-$B$3$&$$$$$?$$!#(B--------------------------------
(B> $B$3$N%Z!<%8$ONI$$%Z!<%8$G$9!#(B
(B> $B$G$b;H$$J*$K$O$J$i$J$$!#(B
(B> $B%f!<%6$O99$J$k<+F02=$rK>$s$G$$$k!#(B
(B> $B$b$7!"%b%8%i%U%!%$%d!<%U%)%C%/%9$r;H$C$F$$$k$J$i$P(B
(B> $B5!G=3HD%$=$7$F!"?7$7$$5!G=3HD%$r%/%j%C%/$7$F$/$l(B
(B> $B$=$&$9$k$H$3$N%Z!<%8$K9T$/!#(B
(B> https://addons.update.mozilla.org/extensions/?os=Windows&application=firefo
(B> $B$=$7$F!"3HD%5!G=$r%/%j%C%/$9$l$P<+F0E*$K%$%s%9%H!<%k$5$l$k!#(B
(B> $B$3$N:]$H$ONX$,$G$-$F$$$k$H;W$&!#(B
(B> $B%f!<%6!"%3%_%K%F%#!8:$H;W$o$l$k!#(B
(B> */
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