On 18/08/06, ashutosh bijoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oops attachment not accepted... pls find code below
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: ashutosh bijoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> Date: Aug 18, 2006 7:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [jQuery] Tabs plugin feature request
> To: "jQuery Discussion." <discuss@jquery.com>
> Hi
>  Pls find attached, jtabs.js with the callback modification. Basically added
> the following lines at line number 72:
>                     // apply callback function if defined
>                     if (typeof options.callback != 'undefined' &&
> options.callback.constructor==Function) {
> options.callback.apply(target,[target.attr('id'),visible.attr('id')]);
>                     }
> Here, I'm passing two parameters to the callback:
> - the id of the new tab's container and
> - the id of the new tab's container
> Also, this  will point to the current tab
> Regards
> Ashutosh

Instead of
if (typeof options.callback != 'undefined' &&
options.callback.constructor==Function) {

Why not just:
if (typeof options.callback == 'function') {

I have never had a need to use constructor.

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