
there is (apparently) a bug in MSIE if we use getAttribute('action') on a
form, because it will give us the action property of the form, instead of
the value of its "action" input.

Example :

<form action="url">
  <input type="text" name="action" value="ok" />

this.getAttribute('action') should be "ok", not "url".

A fix for this is to use:

(that's Renato's solution to fix form.js at 

Another one is to use:
 s = this.getAttribute('action'); 
 if (typeof(s)!='string')
   s = this.attributes.action.value;  

One of these patches might apply to jquery.js and/or form.js

There is definitively a bug here, that doesn't let ajax calls access the
"action" input value of a form.

-- Fil

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