
Thanks for this, This helps a lot and is quite logical.


Shawn Tumey wrote:
> On 9/2/06, *Gordon Heydon* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I have implemented a page where I have jQuery cloning the last row and
>     extending the table,
>     I have the table that I am extending in a div which I use the jq-corners
>     to make it look pretty.
>     The problem that I am getting is that when the table is extending that
>     page isn't. So what happens is that stuff starts disappearing of the
>     bottom of the page.
>     I don't think I have all the information for someone to help me, so
>     please bear with me and I will provide any information required.
>     If someone can help get the page to extend at the same rate as the
>     table, I would appreciated it alot.
>     Thanks in advance.
>     Gordon.
> Gordon,
> Basically what you need to do is extend the height of the div to match 
> the growing height of the table.
> Without seeing a test case, I don't know if (a) the div has room to grow 
> before it needs to be expanded, or if (b) the first time you clone a 
> row, the div needs expanded.
> If (a) is true then loop through the height of all the elements with the 
> div as their parent adding up their heights (totalChildrenHeight). if 
> totalChildrenHeight > div height, then get the difference and expand the 
> div accordingly. Note - you may have to make concessions for padding and 
> margins.
> if (b) add the height of the row to the height of the div.
> Hope this helps. :)
> Regards,
> -- 
> Shawn Tumey
> Cofounder
> MT Web Productions LLC !DSPAM:1000,44f99a7c109411804284693!
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