I've updated the plugin with the changes and fixes discussed in this thread.
Thanks Sam for the scrollIntoView tip, and to those that reported bugs.

On 9/6/06, Dylan Verheul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Plugin: Autocompleter
> Url: http://www.dyve.net/jquery?autocomplete
> Docs: http://www.dyve.net/jquery/autocomplete.txt
> New options:
> The options below provide a better user experience (automatically
> picking results) and advanced markup options (the approach is a little
> different, but this could be used to duplicate the script.aculo.us
> demo with pictures in the results).
> selectFirst (default value: false)
>         If this is set to true, the first autocomplete value will be
> automatically selected on tab/return, even if it has not been
> handpicked by keyboard or mouse action. If there is a handpicked
> (highlighted) result, that result will take precedence.
> selectOnly (default value: false)
>         If this is set to true, and there is only one autocomplete when the
> user hits tab/return, it will be selected even if it has not been
> handpicked by keyboard or mouse action. This overrides selectFirst.
> formatItem (default value: none)
>         A JavaScript funcion that can provide advanced markup for an item.
> For each row of results, this function will be called. The returned
> value will be displayed inside an LI element in the results list. See
> the source code of http://www.dyve.net/jquery?autocomplete for an
> example.
> None of this will break compatibility, you can just use the new js
> without any changes to your existing code.

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