I think I found the error... don't know if it's a bug in my styling or 
an error in jQuery though, perhaps somebody else could shine some light 
on this.

I found out that whenever I use animate the div which is animated 
inherits the opacity of the parent div, even if the animated div has a 
different opacity setting. I would suspect that this is a bug since it 
should not (at least not to my knowledge) overwrite the set opacity 
setting - please comment on this

> Hello everybody.
> I have a div which I am changing size and position for with the animate 
> function but when the animation is completed the div ends up beeing 
> semi-transparent.
> The div has the following css-properties
> #box {
>   position: absolute;
>   background: #FFFFFF;
>   top: 200px;
>   width: 225px;
>   height: 200px;
>   border: 10px solid #FFFFFF;
>   text-align: left;
> }
> The animation code
> $('#box').animate({
>   'height': 400,
>   'top': 100
> });
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