Great plugin, Dylan.

You have a bug with your default Lat and Long values.

if (!lat) lat = 37.4419;
if (!lng) lng = -122.1419;

When lng = 0, !lng evaluates as true (same for lat). This is somewhat
discouraging for our freinds in London or Quito. You only want that
condition to evaluate as true when lng or lat is null, so change it to

if (lat==null) lat = 37.4419;
if (lng==null) lng = -122.1419;

and you'll be peachy.

Also, how about adding some rectangles and polygons to your plugin?
I'd love to be able to draw a (closed) polygon and fill it with a
background image. Bonus points if I can click anywhere inside the
polygon to pop-up the balloon. I might even settle for a rectangle.

I'd try to write those features myself, but I'm still learning the
Google Maps API. Thanks for your great work!


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