Michael Geary schrieb:
>>> just a little thing: I'd check additionally for existence of 
>>> GBrowserIsCompatible just in case the google maps script
>>> is not loaded for whatever reason:
>>> if (GBrowserIsCompatible && !GBrowserIsCompatible()) ... 
>> I changed the check to
>> // If we aren't supported, we're done
>> if (!GBrowserIsCompatible || !GBrowserIsCompatible()) return this;
> That doesn't do what you want. If GBrowserIsCompatible is not defined, it
> throws an error when you try to reference it.
> Try this instead:
>  if (!window.GBrowserIsCompatible || !GBrowserIsCompatible()) return this;
> Or the way I like to do it:
>  var bc = window.GBrowserIsCompatible;
>  if( !bc || !bc() ) return this;

Mike, thank you, I was thinking about that all day, sometimes that 
boolean logic thing causes me headache...

Is also possible?

if ( !(window.GBrowserIsCompatible && GBrowserIsCompatible()) )

If you don't say yes my headache gets worse!

-- Klaus

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