Mike Alsup schrieb:
> My personal preference would be to move the form plugin methods into
> core, remove core's existing serialize method and introduce a
> "serializeToString" (or something like that) that has a string return
> type in the form of "name=value&name=value".  All this would increase
> the size of core, but only by 2k before packing.
> I'd love to hear opinions on this.
I think that would be a good idea. For the ones who currently use core + 
form, the file size would be reduced. And it would be much easier to use 
for all those who simply haven't heard, or rather, read, about the form 

Rey Bango schrieb:
> I would *not* want the other serialization methods 
> removed as this effectively prevents people from upgrading if they've 
> taken advantage of an existing method. EasyDOM already feel prey to this 
> and won't work with JQuery v1.0.1.
Currently both serialize methods have the same signature, but different 
return types. I guess it would be less pain to keep the old serialize 
like it this and rename the form serialize. On the other hand, it would 
be less confusing to have a serialize() and serializeAsString() or 
serializeQuery(). Or maybe serialize() - returns an array, and 
serialize('&') - returns the form as a string joined with an ampersand. 
I'd prefer a solution that works in a long term. As long as this is 
introduced with a major release with proper release notes, it shouldn't 
be a big problem to upgrade.

-- Jörn

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