> I agree with Brian about the need of a FastSerialize method.


I've been benchmarking these serialize methods on a form with one
select element that has 2000 options.  Using the Firebug timer to
capture elapsed time for the serialize call I see negligible
difference in your impl and the one I posted on this thread.  The
current impl in the form plugin is noticeably slower.  Here's the

Current form plugin - average over 10 calls: 850ms
For-loop impl - average over 10 calls: 337ms
input,textarea,select impl - average over 10 calls: 379ms

Granted this is just one benchmark (in FF on windows), but I think the
for-loop impl holds up pretty well.

Mike Geary, I haven't yet implemented your outline.  I like it
stylistically, but I not expecting performance improvements.  Would
you agree or would you expect it to be faster than Renato's impl?


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