You rock! (that's a good thing!)

On 9/28/06, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ schrieb:
> > for the jQ soultuon :
> > 1 class to mention which plugin will handle the  validations
> > 1 or more other classes as defined in that plugin
> > we bind early on all fields that have the 'plugin' class, then we can
> > easily handle flipping from US-phone-number to UK-phone-number.. etc!
> >
> > how the formats are defined is...... pure jQ magic! functions,
> > regexps, whatever!!!
> >
> > This is sorely needed.... I am tired of doing it 'my way', I look
> > forward to doing it the jQ way.
> >
> Well, I think I covered that, too. You need a special number format?
> Define it as a new validation rule and apply it to your form, that's it.
> // returns true, if the value does not match the pattern
> jQuery.validator.rules.myNumberFormat = function(value) {
>     return !value.match(/\d\d\d-\d\d/); // change regex to whatever you need
> };
> Is this what you had in mind?
> -- Jörn
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