Ah, this isn't a browser bug, but something of a jQuery one.
removeAttr does obj.removeAttribute("checked") under the hood, which
is not sufficient to remove these built-in properties. It would have
to do obj.checked = undefined; or some such under the hood.


On 10/3/06, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Resig schrieb:
> >> John, these are great additions, but please be advised that in some
> >> browsers this.attr('checked', 'checked') won't work as expected.
> >
> > Do you know which browsers those are offhand? It'll help me to test
> > the methods, when I make them
> I think there are overall inconstencies. I put up a test page:
> http://stilbuero.de/demo/jquery/checkbox.html
> There's no checked attribute in the HTML source. In Firefox if you set
> the checked attribute via attr the checkbox gets checked alright but
> removeAttr('checked') does not remove the checked state.
> I found in general that it's better for all those boolean attributes to
> set/unset the boolean value.
> HTH, Klaus

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