Hi John and Sam!

> > If anything, I think the meat of jQuery should be getting smaller.
> Core could be leaner, but what do you take out (perhaps XPath)? Also I
> have noticed that when you do 'configure your download' you get the
> old version (pre 1.0), dated May 12th.

You could extract all form selecting and manipulating out of the core into a 
single plugin, any maybe merge it with the current form plugin. Planned 
features like the single-boolean-value-methods for checked etc. could be added 
there. Selectors like :input, :checked could be moved, too.

The problem I see with this attempt: Most pages have a least a small search 
form somewhere, maybe and login form, too. Is it worthwhile to extract the form 
capabalities and then just force everyone to include the extracted module 

Anyway, I'd like to split the current src/jquery.js file into smaller chunks: 
It's quite annyoing to scroll through that file, searching for certain methods. 
Maybe parts of the inline documentation and test could be moved to their own 
files, too. Or everything css/styles related.

Splitting the code base could make it easier to identify code that is 
independent of certain other chunks.

-- Jörn
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