I've updated the form plugin once again to fix a bug in ajaxSubmit
which I found while unit testing.  I thought I'd take this opportunity
to summarize the changes made recently:

1. Incorporated Matt Grimm's optimized serialization code.
2. Defaulted the form method to 'GET' per Klaus's suggestion.
3. Fixed ticket #160 using suggestions from Renato and Jörn.
4. Fixed bug in ajaxSubmit which caused inconsistent callback args in
post-callback method.
5. Fixed bug in image submit element coordinates (requires dimensions plugin)
6. Updated documentation in the source file.

I think (hope) everyone is on-board with the changes listed above.
I'm also suggesting two other changes:

1. Rename form plugin's current "serialize" method to "formToArray"
2. Create a new "serialize" method in the plugin which returns the '&'
delimited string.

These last two items may cause issues for some but to me they are far
more intuitive than what we currently have and I think the discussions
earlier this week were leading in this direction.  Currently, the form
plugin's "serialize" method returns an array of objects and core's
"serialize" method returns a '&' delimited string.

On a final note, I've updated the demo page to include a link to run
the unit tests.  If some of you Safari users could run the unit tests
I would appreciate it.

Demo page: http://malsup.com/jquery/form/
Unit test: http://malsup.com/jquery/form/test.html


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