I'm quite interested in stuffs related to forms (I wrote a little form validation  jquery plugin before to discover the existing one)
but I did not found anything about ajax file upload.
I know the 'ajax file upload' in itself is impossible (no access to filesystem),
but there is some solutions with the use of an Iframe.

Do you know if such script exists as jquery plugin ?
or at least unfinished attempts I could build on ?



On 10/13/06, Mike Alsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've updated the form plugin once again to fix a bug in ajaxSubmit
which I found while unit testing.  I thought I'd take this opportunity
to summarize the changes made recently:

1. Incorporated Matt Grimm's optimized serialization code.
2. Defaulted the form method to 'GET' per Klaus's suggestion.
3. Fixed ticket #160 using suggestions from Renato and Jörn.
4. Fixed bug in ajaxSubmit which caused inconsistent callback args in
post-callback method.
5. Fixed bug in image submit element coordinates (requires dimensions plugin)
6. Updated documentation in the source file.

I think (hope) everyone is on-board with the changes listed above.
I'm also suggesting two other changes:

1. Rename form plugin's current "serialize" method to "formToArray"
2. Create a new "serialize" method in the plugin which returns the '&'
delimited string.

These last two items may cause issues for some but to me they are far
more intuitive than what we currently have and I think the discussions
earlier this week were leading in this direction.  Currently, the form
plugin's "serialize" method returns an array of objects and core's
"serialize" method returns a '&' delimited string.

On a final note, I've updated the demo page to include a link to run
the unit tests.  If some of you Safari users could run the unit tests
I would appreciate it.

Demo page: http://malsup.com/jquery/form/
Unit test: http://malsup.com/jquery/form/test.html


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