in my mind a list (ul) is just a table without the headings and only
one field.... should be easy to create "sortable list" plugin.

On 10/12/06, Adrian Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes your code is pretty cool and definitely sorts the table by a
> specific column.  what I was actually talking about was to sort a table
> that might or might not have a header / might not even be a table (a
> list for example) on a sub element text node value. and you might not
> want ot give the user the ability to resort.
> at work I had a "list" that had to be sorted but I was not allow to
> change the way that the content was generated.
> each row of the list was in a div statement with the class row and the
> row contained two divs' one hidden with a hidden input element and the
> second holding a span with a link in it.  thus on page load I wanted to
> call the sort function once.
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