Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> If we go back to the roots and stick to bind(), unbind(), trigger(), 
> attr() and css(), we could remove all those events and html and css 
> attribute shortcut methods, greatly reducing the number of methods. By 
> adding those methods, or rather only parts of it, like click(), back via 
> plugins, the jQuery meat could be reduced to some extend, maybe even 
> reducing the barrier for newcomers by simplifying the API docs.
> bind(), unbind(), trigger() and attr() could be improved to a hash as 
> css() alread  does, allowing you to set several attributes at once or 
> adding/removing several events with one method call. Passing a hash 
> without values to attr could be quite sexy, too, when it simply fills 
> the hash with all available values.
> Your ideas and opinions, please!

Aye, aye.

How much harder is it really to use:
   $(...).bind('click', function() {...});
   $(...).click(function() {...});

        click: function() {...},
         change: function() {...},

sounds quite nice too.

And for those lazy sods out there how about:

        bind: ['click'],
        attr: ['val','href','title'],
        css:  ['display','height','width']

and .click(), .val(), etc. are instantly restored.
You get the idea ;P

While we're on the API:
I really don't like the method name .css(), as its actual
operation is to change a style property, and doesn't really
have much directly to do with Cascading Style Sheets.
Could it not be .style() instead?

- Mark.

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