
Yup.. I'm in that boat as well.  HTTP svn attempts fail complaining about PROPFIND.  The only svn access I've ever gotten to work is HTTPS.  I can get to projects hosted on Google Code like that, but unless a project has a cert and allows HTTPS access to the repo, I'm out of luck.  I'm going to try submitting a request to open this stuff, but I seriously doubt they'll do anything about it.

I know it'd be trivially easy to have a post commit script generate a tar.gz of the repo and move it to a spot on the web server for easy download.  I'd be happy to create such a script if I knew the paths involved. If any of the jQueriers wants my help on any of this I'd be more than happy to donate some time.


On 10/18/06, Sam Collett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I feel your pain... ours (or rather one in particular) don't even
allow SVN over HTTP (the HTTP methods it requires are blocked). It is
not business critical (would just make my life easier as I would be
able to try out more open source applications and maybe even
contribute), so unlikely to get unblocked. My understanding is that if
WebDav works, so will SVN (over http).

I think they just don't understand developers (i.e. no programming
experience and don't even know what version control or SVN is) and
more often than not seem to be anti-open source (or anti anything that
isn't made by Microsoft).

I would have through Trac had away of doing this (something like
appending ?format=zip to the URL).
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