I've got an issue with using the Interface idrag.js. The Interface website implies I should be asking here for support issues.

I have a DOM structure that contains, amongst other things, a text field and a textArea. What I find when I drag the object in Firefox is that any text I might have typed into the textArea disappears, and when I stop the drag it re-appears.

I have dug into the idrag.js source and found that it works by doing a cloneNode(true) on the object being dragged and hiding the original. That cloned node is then appended to a dragHelper at the top level of the HTML tree, presumably to avoid having to deal with issues of dragging things from deeper structures and calculating drop positions, etc. Whatever the reason, what I see (using the DOM inspector from the web developer toolbar for Firefox) is that the node tree is correctly cloned, except that the "value" property of the textArea is not replicated. Hence the cloned drag object has no text in it.

The problem is worse in Safari as the text field text also disappears during the drag. In IE it all works fine (not often you hear those words :-)

A further wrinkle is that if the original text area contained initial text within tag (e.g. "<textarea class='text' rows="8">flibble</textarea>") then that text (in this case "flibble") appears during the drag, even if I have typed new text into the textArea before dragging.

Has anyone else come across this problem and found any way of addressing it? If there is no easy fix then I'll probably have to change the Interface drag code itself.


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