hey gang--

i got a bit of a stumper for ya, trying to bind a function to the  
click event of each link in a dynamically generated list.

i have a bunch of long content pages that we're breaking up into  
subpages, with a sidenav to navigate through them. the markup for  
each page is as follows:

<div class="page">
<h3>Page One Title</h3>

<div class="page">
<h3>Another Page Title</h3>

here's the function that sets up the list of links and stuffs them  
into the sidenav.

$('.page').each(function(i) {
        var title = $('h3',this).eq(0).text();
        var link = $('<li><a href="#page'+(i+1)+'">'+title+'</a></li>');
        $('.sidenav ul').append(link);
        $('a',link).click(function() {
                // $('.page',pages).hide();
                // $(page).show();

it grabs the text of the first H3 in each section to use as the link  
text. it builds an LI element containing the link, then appends that  
to the sidenav. then it tries to assign a click handler to the link.

i've commented out the functional part of the click function and just  
put in an alert for testing, but the function isn't firing when i  
click these links. am i missing something?

thanks for any help,


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