Pascal schrieb:
> hey gang--
> i got a bit of a stumper for ya, trying to bind a function to the  
> click event of each link in a dynamically generated list.
> i have a bunch of long content pages that we're breaking up into  
> subpages, with a sidenav to navigate through them. the markup for  
> each page is as follows:
> <div class="page">
> <h3>Page One Title</h3>
> <p>....</p>
> <p>....</p>
> </div>
> <div class="page">
> <h3>Another Page Title</h3>
> <p>....</p>
> <p>....</p>
> </div>
> here's the function that sets up the list of links and stuffs them  
> into the sidenav.
> $('.page').each(function(i) {
>       var title = $('h3',this).eq(0).text();
>       var link = $('<li><a href="#page'+(i+1)+'">'+title+'</a></li>');
>       $('.sidenav ul').append(link);
>       $('a',link).click(function() {
>               alert(1);
>               // $('.page',pages).hide();
>               // $(page).show();
>       });
> });
> $('.page').hide().eq(0).show();
> it grabs the text of the first H3 in each section to use as the link  
> text. it builds an LI element containing the link, then appends that  
> to the sidenav. then it tries to assign a click handler to the link.
> i've commented out the functional part of the click function and just  
> put in an alert for testing, but the function isn't firing when i  
> click these links. am i missing something?
> thanks for any help,
> -p

I see one thing that may cause the problem: your variable link is a 
jQuery object. This is passed as context a few lines later on, but you 
have to pass a DOM node as context to the $ function.

Try this:
$('a', link[0]).click(...);

Or to overall shorten the code:

var link = $('<li> ... </li>').appendTo('.sidenav ul')[0];
$('a', link).click(...);

Does that help?

-- Klaus

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