Rey Bango schrieb:
> Some feedback on this. In IE7 final, there's some odd behavior. When I 
> click on a tab, the page shoots up and then resets itself to its 
> original position. Here's what I mean by this.
> Say that that I'm looking at the section of your demo page that says 
> "Slide and Fade Effect Combined" and that section is at about the center 
> of the page (vertically). What seems to be happening is that the div 
> containing the tabs (tabs labeled Section 13-15) will be brought up to 
> the very top of the viewable section and then put back into place.
> I hope that explains what I'm seeing.
> Rey...

Hi Rey, I know what you're talking about. It's because I want to have 
the tabs bookmarkable. Therefore the hash in the URL changes and that 
causes the page to jump. I thought I had fixed that, but apparently IE7 
does behave differently as IE6 does.

Will have a look into it... Thanks for the catch!

-- Klaus

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