2006/10/24, Mika Tuupola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Oct 24, 2006, at 17:54, Robert Wagner wrote:
> >> Just my $0.02: I find this odd. Imagine that you want some
> >> processing to be
> >> done based on the input (i.e. server side email address checking)
> >> (We all
> > that was my attempt too at first. error checking = application logic =
> > write my own structures etc.
> I always try to write reusable code and not force users to one
> specific implementation (for example hardcoding
>   effects into jEditable). I also like to keep things simple.
> Checking for HTTP response codes is universal approach. I do however
> see cases when it is not the best solution and another approach such
> as JSON object is more suitable.
> I see two possible solutions here.
> 1) Add an configuration option what kind of response jEditable
> expects. This requires less coding from end user. Bad thing is it
> adds bloat to jEditable since all different response types need their
> own handlers inside plugin code.
> 2) Add user defined callback (and/or callbefore) handlers. Requires
> more coding from the end user but everyone can write their own
> implementation for their own needs. Those who don't need special
> implementations can still use the easy defaults.

i think the 2nd one is best. every one with special needs should be
able to implement it by overriding the default ajax options. that
said, these options must be handed over...

like here :)

where options are merged with ajaxOptions and important ones
(onComplete ..) are even direct setable.

> Any other suggestions?
> --
> Mika Tuupola
> http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/
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