Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
> Hi Klaus!
>> Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
>>>>> By the way, is there interest to put the accordion into the jQuery
>>>>> repository?
>>>> If you create a subdirectory in SVN/plugins this would be really good.
>>>> Since Klaus and I also made an accordion plugin, we might need to
>> change
>>>> that to /plugins/accordion1/ and /plugins/accordion2/.
>>> I'd rather try to create a merge or best breed. I think the event
>> delegation approach is the better one as it uses only a single event 
>> handler, but
>> there are other details you might have solved better. If I add my soltion
>> to /plugins/accordion/, you are still free to modify it as you like :-)
>> I agree. Let's put efforts into one plugin...! I'd say our plugin is 
>> pretty basic anyway, I'm more dedicated to my tabs and history plugin 
>> right now.
>> Franck asked too make it a bit more flexible regarding the HTML 
>> structure. If you find that reasonable (I do, because it could also be a 
>> h2+p structure), I have done something similiar for the tabs lately, 
>> i.e. you set an option too define the HTML structure to rely on.
> I wonder if we really need accordion and tabs parallel... Wouldn't it be 
> possible to style a definition list to look like tabs? When you get down to 
> it, the difference between tabs and accordion is just the positioning of the 
> clickable headers.

Hm, I think they work both a little different. Opening and closing 
animations are chained in tabs but happen simultanously in accordion.

But more important, the underlying structure is quite different as well. 
The tab has one list of links pointing to containers succeding that 
list, like link/link/link, container/container/container, while the 
accordion is a sequence of link, container, link, container, ...

> It's something we should at least check. I like the idea of changing a single 
> argument to make my tabs look like an accordion and vice-versa.
>> Could be something like this:
>> $(...).accordion({
>>      struct: 'h2+p'
>> });
>> or
>> $(...).accordion({
>>      struct: 'dl>dd+dt'
>> });
>> One or the other could the default.
>> Hm, I'm beginning to think that "struct" is a better option name then 
>> "tabSelector"...
> We should try to find a standard that could be used to describe this 
> structure (CSS, XPath, SQL, whatever). Or maybe just html, eg. struct: 
> "<dl><dt>TITLE</dt><dd>CONTENT</dd></dl>" or struct: 
> "<div><h2>TITLE</h2><p>CONTENT</p>".

The benefit of passing in an XPath/CSS expression is, that it is ready 
to use in the script. I don't want to parse the sructure from a given 
HTML structure (string) first. I think that is fairly easy in usage, you 
can use CSS or XPath, whatever you are more comfortable with.

-- Klaus

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