Yehuda Katz schrieb:
> Jorn made some modification to make it possible (I believe) to choose 
> specific plugins. I think you need to use with_plugins as an optional 
> MODIFIER now, so you could do ant docs with_plugins, or ant pack 
> with_plugins. I could be wrong though.

The task does not merge the plugins into the jQuery build though. I
don't see how Ant knows how to add the plugins given in the parameter
PLUGINS to the jQuery build task... That is why I assumed that work is
in progress. But I'm not to firm with Ant anyway.

<target name="with_plugins" description="Build jquery with all plugins">
     <antcall target="jquery">
         <param name="PLUGINS" value="${PLUGINS_ALL}" />

If I concat "manually", it works fine of course:

     <target name="jquery">
         <echo message="Building ${JQ}" />
         <mkdir dir="${DIST_DIR}" />
         <concat destfile="${JQ}">
             <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="intro.js" />
             <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="jquery/*.js" />
             <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="event/*.js" />
             <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="fx/*.js" />
             <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="ajax/*.js" />
             <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="outro.js" />
             <fileset dir="${PLUGIN_DIR}" includes="form/*.js" />
             <fileset dir="${PLUGIN_DIR}" includes="cookie/*.js" />
         <echo message="${JQ} built." />

Ant pros to the rescue!

-- Klaus

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