Cool. Altho I have some problems reading techy english, I understand you 
very well. Thanks.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Justin Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jQuery Discussion." <>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: [jQuery] ActiveX activation

> On 11/6/06, Dragan Krstic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> When I'm using jquery, I always get ActiveX warning in IE. How to avoid 
>> it?
> Usually you will get the warning because you're running active content
> from the local file system, which belongs to the "My Computer" Zone in
> Internet Explorer. Turning off the warnings isn't a good idea because
> one day it might save you from accidentally running code that exploits
> a vulnerability in IE or one of it's components.
> If you want to turn it off you can follow the following Microsoft KB
> article to enable "My Computer" Zone to appear in IE's Security
> Settings tab. From there you can disable the warning by setting the
> relevant option to "Enable" instead of "Prompt".
> I think a better idea would be to set up a local web server (and if
> you're security conscious, don't have it listen on any external
> interfaces). The site will then run in the context of the "Intranet"
> Zone which you can easily configure the security settings for, and
> won't leave you open to exploits via the "My Computer" Zone.
> Sorry for the long winded answer, just thought I'd try to provide some
> backgruond info :)
> P.S. The article doesn't mention that the change is compatible with IE
> 7, but I would assume that it will still work.
> cheers,
> Justin
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