Hi Gilles:
Thanks a lot for this plugin but where I can download it and see documentation 
in how to use in my site?
ReynierPM | 5to Ing. Informática
Aprendiz de mucho, maestro de poco.

> -----Mensaje original-----
> nombre de Webunity | Gilles van den Hoven
> Enviado el: 07 November, 2006 10:02 AM
> Para: jQuery Discussion.
> Asunto: [jQuery] window plugin: update
> Hi Guys,
> You've probaly seen the Ajaxian post on the YUI dialog. Well i am happy
> to report that i've almost completed my plugin (after i released
> cssHover i did a complete rewrite) and it offers almost thesame
> functionality as the YUI version:
> * Fully themable
> * Fully customizable (e.g. isDraggable, isResizable, hasStatus,
> setContent, setContentURL, useIframe, Modal, Non-Modal etc. etc.)
> * Callbacks: onOpen, onLoad
> * Easy to use.
> All you have to include are my cssHover class, the interface iDrag,
> iResizable and iUtil class and optionally the iFxTransfer class for nice
> animations.
> Well, today i finished the dragging and resizing part, as well as the
> maximize/minimize buttons. This is all done. All whats left is add the
> support for multiple dialogs on 1 page (including switching from one
> dialog to another), some testing and it'll be released in the wild.
> -- Gilles
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