Hi everybody,

Here I release my first two jquery plugins in a beta version (complete doc
is missing):


These plugins add to a <table> the behaviour of collapsing/expanding columns
and rows (animated in IE6.0+)

Please, check the speed optimizations for IE (By the way, something I miss
in general in jquery docs/forums/cookbook, etc.. and I think that is
essential for programming new complicated web2.0 applications with
javascript/jquery in different browsers).

I must point out the bad implementation of events in IE which are SLOOOW, as
well as the speed for changing DOM and CSS stuff (adding/removing classNames
are painfully slow in IE) in contrast with Firefox or Opera.

Any suggestions, improvements, fixes, optimizations, etc... are very

Enrique Meléndez Estrada
Servicios Informáticos
Organización y Servicios Internos
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón

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