I am astounded Luke remarkable stuff.

Looks like I might be able to reduce my script over heads quite a bit with this.

At first glance (through tired eyes n with fatigued mind) it appears to handle text replacement better than the existing sifr jquery plugin.

I am working away on a project at mo that makes call into and out of flash using Flash version 7 (flash 8 has extended interface which sounds great), to work this I am using JSFC (_javascript_ FlashCommmunicator - it works well in all browser I have tested so far)  I have had some jip with creating the object to talk to flash, as it needs to be created after the flash is full placed in page (which can be sometime after document.ready fires) - would your plugin be able to aide me here?

1) Either by being  able to call function within flash?  (Previous points have been aired claiming that this is best not done with jquery)
2) Could a call back be made to fire when flash is set in the page?

In any case the script is  piece of sheer wonderment


On 10/11/06, Joel Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Luke, this plugin is just awesome!


On 10/11/2006, at 3:35 AM, Luke Lutman wrote:

> Dang! You beat me to the punch, Mike. I've been working on (more or
> less) the same thing, and
> was just finishing up my documentation and examples last night when
> you posted yours... too bad
> we didn't find out sooner.
> Here's my version:
> http://jquery.lukelutman.com/plugins/flash/
> I've re-written the flash detection and embedding for jQuery (so
> SWFObject isn't necessary), and
> tried to build it to be as flexible as possible in terms of how the
> replacements are done.
> Like yours, basic replacements look like:
> $('#hello').flash({ src: 'hello.swf', width: 320, height: 240 });
> For more complicated stuff (like sIFR or your method of reading
> data from classnames), you can
> pass a custom function, like so (off the top of my head):
> $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]"swf"]').flash(null, null, function(htmlOptions){
>       $this = $(this);
>       htmlOptions.src = "">>       htmlOptions.width = this.className.match(/w\:(\d+/))[1];
>       htmlOptions.height = this.className.match(/h\:(\d+/))[1];
>       $this.before($.fn.flash.transform(htmlOptions));
> });
> Or you can change the default:
> $.fn.flash.replace = function(htmlOptions) {
>       // custom code here ...
> };
> I'm curious to know what you think :-)
> Cheers,
> Luke
> Mike Alsup wrote:
>> I've just posted some convenience plugins for dealing with Quicktime,
>> Flash, and mp3 media.
>> Source and demos can be found here:   http://malsup.com/jquery/media/
>> Mike
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