> I moved "Testnode" up and then moved it to the right, then 
> used FireBug's Inspect tool to reveal the generated HTML. 
> This is what I saw:

Actually I left out part of it by mistake. Here's the entire UL:

    <ul id="nodes" class="sortable">
        <li id="node5" class="sortableitem"></li>
        <li id="node1" class="sortableitem" style="overflow: visible;
height: 164px; display: block; width: 472px; opacity: 0.9999;">
            <ul id="nodes1" class="sortable">
                <li id="node3" class="sortableitem"></li>
                <li id="node4" class="sortableitem"></li>
                <li id="node2" class="sortableitem" style="overflow:
visible; height: 30px; display: block; width: 472px; opacity: 0.9999;">
                    <span class="icons">
                        <a class="moveup"></a>
                        <a class="movedown">
                            <img src="img/go-down.png"/></a>
                        <a class="moveleft">
                            <img src="img/go-previous.png"/></a>
            <span class="icons">

"node2" is the one I moved up and then to the right.


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