Christopher Jordan schrieb:
> What about what Gilles says on his demo page:
> "Layout of the dialogs To be honest one of the first things i started on 
> was the dialog itself. I decided to go for CSS a table layout. What? 
> Tables!? They are so... 1995! Yeah i know, but in this particular 
> scenario tables where the only way to go. Off course you can do some 
> tricky css styling, but you'll end up using "display: table-cell;" so 
> why not start with tables to begin with.
> *The dialogs are themable; This means you have:*
>     * a top-left border, title part and a top-right border.
>     * a left border, center part and a right border.
>     * a bottom-left border, status part and a bottom-right border.
> One of the things i really wanted was that the title and the status text 
> where vertically aligned in the containing div. If you try to acchieve 
> this with CSS, you'll have to use a lot of tricks to get everything 
> right ("display: table-cell", conditional comments etc.). Because the 
> table nativly supports vertical centering, and because of the typical 
> "tic-tac-toe" layout of the dialog i was going to create, i started with 
> one 3x3 table. But i soon found out that this wasn't going to work, if 
> you considered scrollbars. Bladibladibla, lots of other things tried.. 
> It works now, with 3 tables, one for the title bar, one for the content 
> part and one for the statusbar. Believe me, i have tried and tried and 
> tried even more to get this done in another way."
> Would you have made a different choice? I'm interested in knowing. I'm 
> not a CSS guru, and I'm still learning. Does Gilles have a valid 
> argument, here?
> Thanks,
> Chris

Hi Chris,

I agree that some things are harder to achieve with CSS, nevertheless I 
would have done it differently, with a pure CSS layout. It is doable. 
Unfortunatly I hadn't the time for that, when Gilles asked me for some 
help. But please don't blame me :-)

Table layout has another disadvantage apart from bloated HTML. Because 
you can't restyle tables in IE using these makes that a more inflexible 
solution than you think in the first place. Maybe that's not so 
important here, because there's only one cell used. If you used two 
cells for example for a two column layout, you are stuck with that in IE 
in a print style sheet for instance.


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