> I have attempted to bring this up in the past but did not get
> any response. Which is amazing since this is such a huge issue.

I could give some help if there was enough information. This hasn't been
reported by others so it is likely to be an error specific to your pages.
That is particularly true since it doesn't sound you have created a test
case that isolates the problem. Here are some guides to giving enough
information for people to help:


Once you have a test page, even one that just fails occasionally, post the
link and we can take a look.

> THE PROBLEM: Sometimes not 100% either way, the "code"
> will stop, and say only the first 50 rows have the DESIRED
> jQuery feature/hover.

Did you take a look at the generated DOM using either Firebug (FF) or the IE
Developer Toolbar (IE6/7) to see whether it was generated properly? Or
perhaps this only happens with one particular browser? These details are
important, and reporting them shows that you've already done some work to
narrow down the problem.

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