I use symfony-project for www.kevo.com. lots of documentation, solid 
support, new development etc. highly recommended next to rails.

> On 12/4/06, *bmsterling* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hey all,
>     A partially non-jquery question, anyone use any php frameworks?  I was
>     looking at the zend framework, but not sure if it is any good.
> The  Zend Framework[1] is still being developed (0.6 is due sometime 
> later this month), but IMO it looks very promising, especially with 
> all of the new MVC stuff. A roadmap can be found at 
> http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFDEV/Project+Management+Team 
> <http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFDEV/Project+Management+Team> 
> . IIRC it has actually been used in production environments with a 
> good amount of success (for a framework still in heavy development).
>     If you use a php frame work can you post a url and why you like it?
> As I said, the Zend Framework looks really good. I've also heard good 
> things about CakePHP[2].
> [1]http://framework.zend.com
> [2]http://www.cakephp.org/
> -- 
> Aaron Heimlich
> Web Developer
> http://aheimlich.freepgs.com <http://aheimlich.freepgs.com>
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