Hi all,
I've been trying hard to get the following scenario to work. On page 1
there is a link, when clicked an ajax page will be loaded and shown in a
div. However this ajax page contains some javascripts and this is not
executed in ie6. I think the problem is with ie6 but if anyone knows of
a workaround I will be gratefull. For now I will put all the javascript
that I will ever receive from these ajax pages in the calling page but
this poses a lot of problems. (since these ajax pages are part of a
wizard, the next button should be enabled and disabled based on certain
conditions which are different on each page of course).
An example of the simplest thing for this is:
parent page:
<script type="text/javascript"
function loadMe() {
 $.get("http://localhost/child.html";, function(str) {
    eval.call( window, this.text || this.textContent || this.innerHTML
|| "" );
 return false;
 <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="loadMe()">Click</a>
 <div id="here"></div>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    alert("show me");
  that's it.

I tried putting some $(document).ready(function()) on the child page but
to no avail. IE6 kept on refusing to show the alert with show me in it.
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