Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
Olivier Percebois-Garve schrieb:
I followed the discussions about 'how to make jquery more popular'
and I just want to point out that this is the kind of things that should be learned to newcomers in a crash course. $() is easy to understand as a steroid getElementById(), but to understand that it returns a jQuery object belongs more to the innards of jQuery. I'm using for time to time jQuery for 4 months and it is the kind things I'm avid to better understand.
get(0) or [1] ok got it, but will each() work ? is there a way to filter ?
Well I usually get the answer to such questions by myself, but I'd love to see it discussed on some blogs around with pros and cons, before I even really need it... Ok, maybe I should write a few stuffs by myself before to tell others what to do, but please take this as gentle suggestion, just "pointing out"...
The Getting Started guide mentions it, but not very prominent: http://jquery.bassistance.de/jquery-getting-started.html#find
Somewhere around the example with form reset...

Do you think it would help the generic newcomer if the guide has more prominent examples and explanations about this issue?

Well yes. Generally speaking this among the things where the framework is extending the language. Chaining seemed to be one of the aspects of jquery that peoples seemed like the most, but I did not found a lot of literature about it. What is or is not possible in a chain ? how to optimize it ? When is the 'e' param in "blabla(function(e){" necessary ? Documentation is great, but is kinda like an encyclopedia, I does not really explain the logic. As any framework jquery builds complex data structures in a snap, and provides useful methods to handle it. As an intermediate developer I had no problem coding rollovers before jquery, so even if the code is neater with jquery, that's not the point of my choice of it. I believe I'll have a wahoo! effect with any frameworks because I can code in 3 lines some stuffs that move but the issue to me is more about how to code in 50 lines what would have taken 500. I KNOW jquery can do it, but if I run into "weird" issues, I also know it may be more difficult than normal coding because I'll understand less what is happening under the hood of jquery than what is in my code. I am promoting jquery to a co-worker who has written a big Prototype based application. I could not explain him exactly what was the type of the data he was handling, nor how to do a closure to avoid conflict with prototype (what I saw in your? tooltip). It seems little code to do, but... in my company we cannot spent 3-4 hours understanding something, time needs to be justified, so he made it old school quick and dirty. I am a php/javascript coder and used to care little about typing. What I see with frameworks (cakephp for php and jquery for js) is that they lead me to manipulate more complex data structures where type become really important.
Am I going off topic ?

So to sum up:
jquery objects - chaining - closures

That's the stuffs I wanna to master in order to claim that I really feel confident with jquery.

Now let's go back to your article...


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