
the tabs don't seem to work for me in FF Not sure if that's just me or what. Still a good lookin' site.

How about a powered by jQuery logo? We had the contest, but I don't see anyone using it. :o)


Stefan Holmberg wrote:
Thank you all for your great input. It was a joy to read - some funny stuff and also it's so great to feel the support from you all ! I have created a new version - implementing some of the stuff you have mentioned but want to just have some input on one more thing: I have used Klaus's excellent tabs plugin and the idea is to have one tab with "Search filter" - and the other with results. Click search and you are taken to the new page - and the "results" page is selected. Then you can switch tab and make a new filter etc. However - when paging (on the Results tab) - I do get a lot of flickering. A new page is read and rendered - then the tab plugin moves the second tab to front etc. I am not all that confident in expressing it english - instead could you try it out and look at it? Any ideas? As I said I am so lame at GUI/client side programming I have no idea how to solve such a thing. CSS and display until loaded? Or maybe I should have the tabs empty when page loads and read the pages content in via Ajax after the page has rendered? How is is typically solved? Cause I don't I want want paging to be totally Ajax - i.e I want a new (bookmarkable) url for each page. Or maybe I shouldn't care about that. I mean who would bookmark page number 36? Maybe paging with Ajax is the way to go? Thanks again for your time and input - also hopefully I will soon be knowledgable enough to start contributing and helping out in this list - now I just feel like "taking" - not "giving" anything :)

On 12/20/06, *Abel Tamayo* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    You should make the tittle logo link to the main page too, like
    when you click on a font and go to that single page, you don't
    have a way to get back to the root of the site.
    Keep up the good work and keep learning. I'll also post about my
    site when it's ready so we're together in this ship.
    BTW, I already added your page to my
    <> bookmarks.

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Stefan Holmberg

Systementor AB
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Office : +46 640 180 95
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