On 1/4/07, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I should have mentioned that I changed the HTML as well. I added an ID to
> the submit button (submit-member). Notice how the event is being triggered
> now: $('#submit-member').click(function() {...});

yes, I have that, and the event is happening - I can fire an alert or
set the html to a fixed string OK.

> Since var username = $(this).prev().val() is appearing inside the click
> method, $(this) refers to the submit button, prev() refers to the previous
> sibling of that button, which should be the text input, and val() refers to
> the value of that text input.

That's what I figured, but it doesn't seem to work. I always get null.
I'm trying to figure it out using FireBug and alert boxes and so on. I
realise this is not really a jquery issue though ... I think. More my
(lack of) knowledge about the DOM and js.

> Now I'm wondering, though, what you're trying to accomplish with the code.
> As Doug noted, it doesn't look like you really need a form at all to do what
> you're trying to do. But it's kind of hard to advise on that without knowing
> the larger context.

The context is that indeed, I don't need the submit behaviour here -
this is some admin code of my site, and I know I will always use
firefox and have javascript turned on. SO it's a good place to start
using some js/ajax techniques without yet worrying about how to make
things work for other browsers and users without js.

Once I have the text input being captured OK in the click method, I
will use it in a server call and then use it to set the html. one step
at a time though ...

Daniel McBrearty
email : danielmcbrearty at gmail.com
www.engoi.com : the multi - language vocab trainer
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