Webunity | Gilles van den Hoven schrieb:
> Gavin M. Roy wrote:
>> I've released 0.11 of the jquery-modalContent plugin with the following 
>> changes:
>> 2006-12-19 patch from Tim Saker <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL 
>>   1) Keyboard events are now only permitted on visible elements belonging to 
>> the modal layer (child elements). Attempting to place focus on any other 
>> page element will cause focus to be transferred back to the first (ordinal) 
>> visible child element of the modal layer.
>>   2) The modal overlay shading now covers the entire height of the document 
>> except for a small band at the bottom, which is the height of a scrollbar (a 
>> separate thread to be opened on this problem with dimension.js).
>>   3) I removed the code that disables and reenables the scrollbars.  This is 
>> just a suggestion really, realizing it could be one of those little things 
>> that causes fellow developers to become unnecessary foes ;=).  Personally, I 
>> found it an annoying behaviour to remove a visible scrollbar causing the 
>> page elements to shift right upon modal popup, then back after closure. If 
>> the intent was to prevent scrolling it doesn't anyway since you can still 
>> page down with the keyboard. Maybe it should be a boolean option passed in 
>> the function signature?
> Nice work Gavin,
> In my submodal plugin, (thesame functionality as your plugin, but 
> extended with a content div), i also had to tackle points 2 and 3. 
> Here's how i tackled those 2 points.
> Set the width of the div to 100%, this covers the width part. Now comes 
> the tricky part, the height. We have to make sure it covers the entire 
> content below it. You can't just leave "some" space empty for a 
> scrollbar, since some people have scrollbars that are 50px high (i hate 
> those windows themes).
> This means that it has to be as large as the document, except if the 
> document is smaller then the viewport, then it has to be as high as the 
> viewport. *You also have to take changes to the document into 
> consideration.* And this is important. With this i mean that it could be 
> possible that the div you show over the "modal" can grow in height, say 
> with 600px. Then, if you'd scroll down you would see a lot of white space.
> To tackle the height problem, i use this code, but you really only need 
> the "height" part:
> ----------[ snip ]----------
>         // Get document size
>         var intDocumentWidth, intDocumentHeight;
>         var intPageWidth, intPageHeight;
>         if (document.documentElement && 
> document.documentElement.clientWidth) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode
>             intDocumentWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
>             intDocumentHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
>             intPageWidth = document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
>             intPageHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
>         } else {
>                 if (document.body) { // other Explorers
>                     intDocumentWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
>                     intDocumentHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
>                     intPageWidth = document.body.scrollWidth;
>                     intPageHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
>                 } else {
>                         if (self.innerHeight) {    // all except Explorer
>                             intDocumentWidth = self.innerWidth;
>                             intDocumentHeight = self.innerHeight;
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
>         // for small pages with total size less then width/height of the 
> viewport
>         if (intPageWidth < intDocumentWidth) {
>             intPageWidth = intDocumentWidth;
>         }
>         if (intPageHeight < intDocumentHeight) {
>             intPageHeight = intDocumentHeight;
>         }
> ----------[ snip ]----------
> Oke, that's that. Now put this into a function and call it. Make sure 
> that function returns the pageheight. This way you can stretch the div 
> to the bottom of the screen. So when i initialize my submodal, i set the 
> correct size. When the document is scrolled, i update the size (height) 
> again so i am sure it covers any changes made to the page (content 
> added/removed/etc).
> I hope i am helpfull with this.
> Best of luck.
> -- Gilles

Wow, lots of code... for my Thickbox adaption the following worked fine:

html, body {
     min-height: 100%;
#yourDiv {
     height: 100%;

#yourDiv has to be a direct child of the body...

-- Klaus

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