Hi there,

I originally translated the Nifty plugin without doing a lot of
testing. I will look at it, see what I can do. Until then, you can
just use vJustify!


2007/1/5, Olaf Bosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dave Methvin schrieb:
> > If you are just using Nifty (9KB!) for same-height, this is a lot less code:
> >
> > http://michael.futreal.com/jquery/vjustify/
> Ah, thats looks good. I have selected nifty because of same height!
> > The jQuery corner plugin has more options for corner decorations:
> o.k. i would play with this and vjustyfy, thank you
> --
> Viele Grüße, Olaf
> -------------------------------
> http://olaf-bosch.de
> www.akitafreund.de
> -------------------------------
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