Can't you just use z-index in $(this)??

onStop : function() {

On 1/9/07, Su <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've got something I'm building wherein several boxes will be draggable.
What I'd like to do is have a function that can be called when dragging
stops(Interface onStop), or just when a box is clicked that would bring it
to the top of the stack via the z-index.

Of course, the writers of the CSS spec didn't think to just provide a
"top" value, so this isn't directly possible.
I tried something like just:

onStop : function() {

but that ends up pretty obviously wrong, since it causes the other
elements to shuffle. They're all set to "1," and so end up in the natural
source-order stacking, rather than retaining their relative positions, just
under the currently active box.

Is there a way to do this that isn't too involved? Speak to me like
someone who knows just enough JS to break other people's JS *grin*

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