Olaf Bosch schreef:
> Hi all,
> Now I really do not know any more further. It does not want to work.
> Check out:
> http://olaf-bosch.de/bugs/jquery/links5.html
> here are the check of Favicon exist in a function, the check do to late 
> (works),
> after the JQuery script!!!
> http://olaf-bosch.de/bugs/jquery/links6.html
> here are the check in the JQuery script, check set all to false
> default image was added
i looked at the page and i saw -moz attributes where are they coming 
from? is saw them in firebug on FF2 and the dom add-on in  IE7. 
-moz-background-inline-policy looks suspicious to me. I also have tried 
all the things that maybe could work but none of them did.

When i downloaded the page and opened it on my computer i get 2 favicons 
in IE7 in the first two cases. Maybe that could be a hint for the no 
show of the favicon?

I put the image check function outside the plugin and i got both the 
onerror and onload function.

i hope you can learn from my mistakes


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