Put the code inside the
  $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").each(function() {
  jQuery.fn.countSize(function() { // create a jquery method called
     return this.each(function() {    // for each item in the jquery array,
run this function

A developer will then be able to do
  $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").countSize();
The idea is that a developer could apply your plugin to all textareas on a
page, or just a particular one, by changing "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

I used countSize in this example but you can use any function name you like.


On 1/20/07, Bjorn Wijers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


My name is Bjorn Wijers and I recently started with jQuery. I have tried
other libs as well, but this seems to be the one best suited for me.
Thanks to John and all the other contributors for making jQuery available!

I started out with a small project which is based on this example [1] by
Peter-Paul Koch of Quirksmode [2] fame. In his example he created a text
counter for textarea's so one can inform a user when he/she has typed
the maximum amount of characters in a textarea. The maximum amount of
chars is set by the maxlength attribute of the textarea and is also used
in finding all textareas and add this feature. I tried to rewrite his
example in jQeury while adding a new feature which prevents a user to
type more than the amount specified.

My question is:

How can I create a jQuery plugin from this code so that other people can
use this as well. I want to make it as easily useable as possible :)


    // set the max chars
    $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").each(function(){
      var max  = this.getAttribute('maxlength');
      var html_counter = "<div class=\"counter\"><span>0</span>/" + max
      this.relatedElement = $('span')[0];

     // check the max chars
     $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").keyup(function(){
       var maxLength     = this.getAttribute('maxlength');
       var currentLength = this.value.length;
       if(currentLength >= maxLength) {
         this.relatedElement.className = 'toomuch';
         this.value = this.value.substring(0, maxLength);
       } else {
         this.relatedElement.className = '';
         this.relatedElement.firstChild.nodeValue = currentLength;


[1] http://www.quirksmode.org/book/examplescripts/maxlength/index.html
[2] http://www.quirksmode.org/

All the best,


* b u r o b j o r n .nl *
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