I am aware that there's a few modal window plugins for jQ -- here's some 
in memory;
  Thickbox, Tweenbox, Greybox, and Gavin's jquery-modalcontent.

I figured we needed another one ;)

What I wanted was something extremely lightweight and flexible. jqModal 
weighs in at a whopping 3.2k and has no dependencies. After the churn 
through Dean's compressor (http://javascriptcompressor.com) it came to 
2.2k (but there's a syntax error =[ ).

jqModal supports;
  + event preservation
  + CSS styled/positioned overlays and windows
  + multiple modal windows at once
  + ajax window content
  + inline window content
  + autofire, toggable overlays, some more...

[Plugin page]: http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqModal/

  * Includes demonstration. Note; Examples are lacking aesthetic -- the 
bling will come when I have more time // backport live designs into it. 

This plugin is something I've just started working with, and I am very 
interested in community comments. The default CSS has some 
cross-platform issues -- IE fixed positioning, maybe more. I have to run 
IE under wine so I'm not seeing any transparency... nor can be sure it 
works. Safari untested. If anyone has any ideas on how to make the 
source better, smaller, or more cross platform compatible,  please tell.

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend ;)

~ Brice

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