Brice --

There's a demo of blockUI being used for modal dialogs that you may want to
check out:

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

On 1/27/07, Brice Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mike Alsup wrote:
> - for proper positioning in ie6 you'll need to use the (ie only)
> setExpression method on the style object.  This is a pain, but it
> works well.
> - for proper modality in ie6 you'll need to use an iframe.  A div
> won't overlay some form elements on the underlying content, regardless
> of the z-index.
> - for proper modality on all platforms you'll need to bind more than
> just the click event.  With a modal window open on your demo page I
> can still tab around and activate other links.  See blockUI for an
> example of suppressing key events.

  As ever, your advice is invaluable. Last night I looked over the
blockUI code & was amazed by its efficiency. I never knew;

var f = $('<iframe
style="z-index:1000;background-color:#fff;border:none"></iframe>'); ..
this.g  = $([f[0],w[0],m[0]]).appendTo('body');

  was possible! One day, I hope jqModal will be succinct enough to
resemble your script ;)

  I'll work on integrating a wrapping iFrame for the overlay & modal
content -- and will include some <select> elements on the demo page.

  Concerning 'proper modality'; A means to lock focus on the window is
necessary (although jqModal inherited *box's behavior of click overlay
to close ). I'd like to integrate some of your methods. I think this may
become quite complex, however.

  The blockUI code executes;

function() { return !impl.vis }

  On key press, key down, and mouse down.

  impl.vis is set in the show function;

function(s) { s ? : this.g.hide(); this.vis = s },

  From this I gather that *ALL* clicks & presses are blocked when the
wait message is showing, and allowed when it is not. This is useful for
AJAX requests.. e.g. unblock/hide wait message on callback, but will be
harmful if employed verbatim to a modal window. It will bar clicks, etc.
within the modal window.

  It would be nice to allow clicks & presses ONLY if originating from
within the modal window. Perhaps this could be accomplished by examining
focus & parent? Would this block users from typing in the browser's
address bar? The goal would be to allow a form within a modal window to
be populated & submitted using keyboard or mouse, and to block
everything outside of the *currently active* modal.

  I don't think it will be possible to prevent the user from using tabs
to access links and inputs/buttons in the background page, but the block
code should intercept the call (<enter>, key press) to execute or
populate these links/inputs.

  I'd like to find out if I can examine current focus. Doing a little
research brought me to


  However it seems to be IE proprietary?

  Do you think it is worth the extra complexity? ;)

~ Brice

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