On Jan 29, 2007, at 5:56 AM, Rob O'Rourke wrote:
> It might be worth re-visiting Shaun's article...
> The crux of Shaun Inman's clearing script is that it changes the CSS
> rule for the longest column in an absolutely positioned layout to
> 'position: relative;'. He does this simply by comparing the heights of
> his main columns and setting the css rule 'position: relative;' (as
> opposed to default absolute) on the longest one by switching its
> class-name. This brings it back into normal document flow so the  
> footer
> that has no positioning defined (absolute or relative) will be pushed
> down in the normal way.
> You would be much better off keeping this approach intact instead of
> messing around with ems and trying to actually position the footer  
> with
> javascript directly. You'll be tearing your hair out getting that to
> work cross-browser.

That sounds reasonable. So I would have to just pull the height out  
with jQuery (not needing the dimensions plugin, since I no longer  
need the offsets)? I am still unsure of how to compare the heights  
once I do get them. I also don't know how to run this both on load  
and on resize (either browser or text). I think I can figure out the  
necessary css manip with jQuery, as I've done that before.

Maybe I should just go off and learn javascript, but unlike jQuery,  
that is not *fun*. I just hate seeing code that A: doesn't make sense  
to me, and B: seems like it could be done sensibly without sticking  
yet another script at the bottom of the page.

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